Privacy Policy

Personal data safety is important and that’s why we aggregate for protection. This Privacy Policy explains how we utilize personal information we get from you when you register yourself, access our website, engage with us on social media, or make purchases online. However, this 'Cookie Policy' is bound to change anytime. We will notify you in advance so that you are aware of any changes for a better service. You should also be aware that we use cookies to store and access information. Find out more about our use of cookies in the ‘Cookie Policy’ section.

When Will We Collect These Personal Data?

The information at our disposal is the one you directly provide to us when you:
• Visit our website and use your account to buy products.
• When you create an account with us.
• When you make online purchases.
• When you visit our related social media accounts and engage with us.
• When you comment on our products and services or give any reviews. 
• In the event, you contact us via our ‘Contact Us’ page with any queries or complaints.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

The information gathered by the use of cookies in your web browser.
• Your comments and reviews.
• Social media username in case you interact with us through social media.
• When you visit our site, we collect information about your device, web browser, time zone, IP address, cookies that are installed on the device you have used to access our site. 
• If you have a web account with us, we will gather your gender, name, billing address, email address, phone number, and encrypted record of your login password.
• We may also obtain information from other third parties like mailing list providers, the information you submit in public forums like social media sites and blogs. 

How We Use Your Information?

• We use the ‘Order Information’ that we collect when you place any order through the site such as payment information. We then use this information to process any orders you place using our website.
• To protect our business and your account from fraudsters and other cybercrime activities. We will as well monitor your browsing pattern to help us resolve any problems and protect our site’s integrity.
• We use the information to respond to queries, make refund requests, and complaints.
• To provide and improve our products and services.
• To debug and to identify and repair errors that may cause functionality mishaps.
• To communicate with you about our new products and other services.
• To process payments and to prevent any fraudulent transactions. This also helps to protect our other customers from fraud.

How We Protect Your Personal Data?

• We take appropriate steps to protect your data.
• We have secured access to all transactional areas of our site “https” technology.
• Your personal data is password-protected and it’s only you who can access it by entering the correct password.
• We carry out penetration testing to check on ways to strengthen security.

We May Share Information

• When you post information online such as about a product review on our site and you have enabled it to ‘Public’ option.
• With vendors, consultants, or service providers that perform services for us. These include web-hosting companies, call center services, analytics, mobile marketing, and many more.
• If your actions are inconsistent with our ‘User Agreement’ terms or other policies.
• If you have violated the law and safety of others.

How Long Will We Keep Your Personal Data?

We will keep your data for a period not exceeding 8 years. Your data will be completely deleted at the end of the agreed retention.

What Rights Do You Have?

• You have absolute rights over your data.
• Free of charge right to access to the personal data that we hold about you.
• To stop us from processing your personal data in various circumstances like if you have withdrawn your consent.
• To correct and modify your personal data when incomplete or incorrect.
• The right to contact us to exercise these rights any time by contacting us through our ‘Contact Us’ page.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

We, the company, have the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. You should, therefore, review it frequently to be well acquainted with the changes of any modifications.

For more information about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at